Saturday, June 18, 2011

Signs of Summer

Mary, Mary, quite contrary
How does your garden grow?
When Silver Bells and cockel shells
and pretty flowers all in a row?

Raise your hand if you remember this???

I love my lilies. They are beautiful & come in orange, white & yellow. They came with the house. They also came with a huge lilac bush.
They didn't, however, come with any other landscaping what-so-ever!

Our house so deperately needs some help, but alas it will have to wait.
(I am detemined to get on the show 'Curb Appeal' one day)

We live in an older neighborhood with big trees and lots of shade, but our house is the like the most under-dressed home on the block.

Oh, well, one day.

What show does your house/ yard qualify for??

MommyShelle C

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